Thursday, 17 July 2008

Almost my normal self.... yesterday...

There was this slight anxiety on the peripheral the whole time, but something about H&M made me feel better. J and I went for a glass of wine after we made some purchases and it was sooooo lovely. We picked the girls up from their gym (or rather - I skipped) and yessss, I felt fine!!

Today, first day of period, felt a bit shit and tired - but not particularly anxious.

Pottered about with the girls this morning, they had gym in the afternoon and I spent it sunbathing in the garden. Then my friend (bitchy mum) phoned and invited us all to hers after gym. My lovely friend (enthusiastic mum) was there too and I haven't seen her for ages, she helped me so much last time I went through this.

Last week I wouldn't have been able to to venture out of the house , but I did it today. I felt slightly nervous before I left the house but once we got there totally fine. Bitchy mum opened the wine and we had a lovely time while the kids played in the garden. Enthusiastic mum made a shock announcement that she is pregnant by accident (she had 2 girls same ages as mine and didn't plan anymore), she is terrified and I would be too!!

Oh, and Josie just told me Jordan looks older than me, WITHOUT ME EVEN ASKING....YAY! the 'real you' back????

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