Tuesday, 8 July 2008

UPDATE, Park wayhaaay

Well, J came home and said he was gonna take the girls to the park, so I made a quick decision to go too. I prefer doing something spur of the moment rather than having the anticipation of doing something planned right now.

So I said I would probably only stay 15 mins and come back and make some food for when they get back. We stopped to chat to a friend on the way, which made me feel slightly anx for some reason, but nothing major. I just don't like standing around, I have to keep moving when I'm out and about right now or I may start thinking about how I am feeling.

So we got to the park and it was really busy for 7pm in the evening, but I was cool with that. Stood around for a bit while they played and then I felt I had done enough (don't wanna push it too far and go back to square 1), so I headed back before them, and the walk back on my own was fine too.

TODAY..SUCCESS! We've all had some fresh air.


Anonymous said...

Jo FTW!! Congrats!

Sarah♥ said...

Completely agree with doing things at the last moment, you have NO time to get anxious...or so we hope!
