Monday, 7 July 2008

Parents to the rescuuuueeeeee

Day 8 of Fluoxetine. mum and dad stayed over last night which was really great. They took my mind of my constant inward thinking, this illness is making me completely self obsessed and selfish, constantly thinking about me, me, me, and how I am feeling. It's so boring! I'm not THAT person.

Mum suggested we go and get some food from shop today...eeeps, tense up, sweaty palms, legs feel weak, I feel sick....I haven't been outside for 8 days. I said yes I would do it, and tried not to think about it until the point of leaving, hoping I would get out if it somehow.

Mum, being an expert at this sort of thing (Dad suffered with a bad bout of agoraphobia when I was in my teens - I didn't even know until recently) said "come on, lets go, we'll only be 10 mins and we can leave at any time", so off we went in Dads car to the biggest supermarket, arghhhhhh!! It's so ridiculous, I was a regular visitor here only a month ago didn't even think twice, so why the fuck am I getting in a state???

Well, it turns out the anticipation of it was worse than the actual being there. I got quite distracted by stuff and actually quite enjoyed it. After about half an hour I started to get bored and that's the time that I would potentially get anx luckily at that point we had got everything we needed.

I feel glad that I did it and it wasn't half as bad as I thought. YAY! I've been outside.


Anonymous said...

Yayzerama! Great news, Jo! Really pleased for you. (Hope you got something good for tea!)

Sarah♥ said...

Well done. It takes a lot of effort to do the supermarkets. Be proud of what you did :)


Ashia Tomsen said...

woohoo!! You can has shopping!!! Told you you could do it!! Little victories Jo, they soon add up to big ones!! Yay for the stupormarket!

laki said...

great news joface! today tesco tomorrow...sainsburys! it sounds like you might have turned a corner, keep the news coming, good or bad, hopefully more good!

Jo said...

Yay, thanks! Something has lifted and long may it last :D