Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Lazy Day

Day 9 on Fluoxetine

I've been so good getting plenty of sleep, going to bed at no later than 11pm, (not my usual 1am which I did before this all started). I am still feeling quite tired but I think it's probably lack of fresh air and the meds.

J is like the opposite of me right now, he's all positive and wanting to get out and do things, I just want to lie around, I feel exhausted. Mornings are my worst time (always have been), I can't get up until around 9am and I still can't really function until about 11am. So he's been off doing various things today, meetings, tennis, lunch etc.

It's the school summer holidays here now so kids are at home. It was a bit of a grey day today, so me and the girls played some games and baked some cakes, and then they just played together most of the day.

I feel a bit bad for not getting them out - the weather turned nice late afternoon, but I have no motivation to get out in it and they weren't bothered either. Besides, they've been in their jammies all day - how bad am I?

Anyhoo, on a scale of 1-10 anx wise (1o being the worst). I've been a 5 at most, so dis is goooood, fingers crossed it keeps improving.

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